Simplified Global Recruiting for Growth Companies

Azrek Global removes the complexity of recruiting and hiring in foreign markets. Trust our deep networks and in-market expertise.

Azrek Global finds, vets and presents top talent in hard-to-source fields.

Hiring mistakes wastes resources, slows growth, and may present legal challenges.

Azrek Global simplifies global recruiting – helping you find and compliantly hire talent. We’ve helped dozens of growing companies land senior talent from Seoul to Sao Paulo.

Let us serve you.

Role Strategy Discussion

Consult with a senior recruiter to define role, outcomes, and fit.

Candidate Sourcing

Recruiter works in-market networks to shortlist targets.

Screening & Reporting

Recruiter leads thorough screening and develops client reporting insights.

Shortlist Presentation

Recruiter presents candidates that best fit outcome discussions. We provide rich insight beyond just interest and availability.

Interview Process

Efficient, multi-stage interview process facilitated by the recruiter. Includes feedback sessions.

Offer & Follow Up

Prepare offer(s) customary with market norms. Begin onboarding and first weeks quality assurance support.

Get in touch for a step-by-step look at our hiring solutions.